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Great Recordings

I open this section to share my knowledge of music analog recordings, in the hope that it will help audiophiles start a collection or discover new works they didn’t know before. I list in these pages analog (LPs) recordings that I think are musically excellent, in all genres. Given the scope of this sort of project, I need to put limits to what can be included; I will never be able to include everything good that’s out there, because I can’t know all the recordings. I have been listening to music for several decades, and that’s what is reflected here. My focus has been for many years classical music, but I enjoy all genres and types of music so there are other categories as well. This is a work in progress, so come back regularly to see what’s new.

NOTE: These are not necessarily all “audiophile” recordings, although they almost all sound very good to excellent (I am starting a grading scale to help figure that out--see in each section). The main criterion here is musical quality. I favor extraordinary interpretation over audiophile-grade quality, and fortunately, it’s often possible to find good combination of both in modern recordings. Some renowned audiophile recordings won’t make it on the list, though, if too much has been compromised in the way of pure musical quality (poor interpretation, awful recording balance etc--yes, it happens!).

If you are interested in knowing more about pressings and their history, including the quality of labels and pressings, Arthur Salvatore ( has a useful page on that subject. You can find it here.

Classical Music


World Music


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